My little blacksmith shop how stats work
My little blacksmith shop how stats work

my little blacksmith shop how stats work

my little blacksmith shop how stats work

Each time you increase Agility, you increase your ability to flee or to dodge enemy attacks (please refer to the attached Flee Chart later on). This is one of the most underrated attribute for the Blacksmith. Strength is simply a must for Battlesmiths and BattleForgers.Īgility is the measure of a person?s quickness and reflexes in battle. Legends say that some Blacksmiths can reach 120 or even 130 Strength. The most devastating of course would be 110. It is highly advisable that you increase your Strength as much as you can. In all my years walking the lands of Midgard, I have still to see another person match the power of the Blacksmith in melee combat. Weapon Research gives you a bonus of 10% more damage and Power Thrust gives you an additional 25% more. The skills you learn are a testament to this assertion. But the Blacksmith is the most devastating melee force to roam Midgard. Nor will he reach the resilience of a Spear Knight. A Blacksmith will never match the evasive maneuvers of an Assassin. Strength is one of the defining features of the Blacksmith. The greatest blacksmith said it best, “The ultimate weapon forged by a blacksmith is his life.” From there on, it will be your choices that will matter the most. There will be other paths that will be open. Along your journey you will find many twists and turns. These three roads are just the beginning. He forges the very weapons which he will use to smite his opponents down. He carries with him both his anvil and his hammer. In the middle is the road of the BattleForger. He will never take up arms to fight, but his weapons will be etched forever in the lore of historians as their blades will be the finest and deadliest of them all.

my little blacksmith shop how stats work

To the left is the path of the Pure Forger.


His steel does not forge weapons, but rends the skin and crushes bone. Which will you take? To the right side is the path of the Battlesmith. Their names have now faded in the ancient scrolls of history. In this guide you will see the mistakes and triumphs of several pioneers. This is but a guide, to show you alternatives and choices made by blacksmiths in the past. But what ultimately makes your blacksmith unique is yourself. There are many roads and some are more traveled than the others. This guide was made to show you the different paths of the blacksmith. Welcome to the world of the blacksmith, the world of your soul. It is here that your hammer forges your destiny. The fires of the forge embrace your very soul, calling you to a life of sacrifice and glory. The fires wrap around your pounding heart, and it is there that the ultimate forge is found. It soars through your bloodlines calling out for the center of your being. It moves through your insides, crushing every wall of resistance. That very flame enters your nerves, boiling your blood. It crawls through your entire body, entering the pores of your skin. You feel the heat of the flames caress your skin. Ragnarok Online Blacksmith Complete Guide by Waukeen

My little blacksmith shop how stats work